氧气是高反应性的,即使在它在被我们细胞仔细和快速消耗的时候,它会引起活性氧物种(ROS)——可导致细胞损伤和突变。然而氧气组成整个大气的21%,海拔较高地区的低压会引起较少的吸入氧——这一影响众所周知会挫败高海拔地区的运动员。例如,在美国一些县之间,海拔差异可导致从加州因皮里尔县(-11 m)科罗拉多圣胡安县(3473 m)的氧水平减少34.9%。
过去两项流行病报告——将海拔作为一个混杂因素,提出海拔依赖性氧变化是高海拔地区较低癌症死亡率的原因[1, 2]。不同于之前这两项研究,当前这项研究特别注重评估海拔的影响,并得益于最近越来越多的高质量县级数据。总的来说,这项研究依赖于超过30个变量,有足够的覆盖率和精确度,能够包括约250个美国西部县。利用高分辨率的人口普查数据,研究人员计算出可反映每个县内人口分散的海拔值,从而更准确地估算每个县人口的大气暴露。所有的资源是公用的,从而强调了开放数据对于未来科学发现的重要性。
Lung cancer incidence decreases with elevation: evidence for oxygen as an inhaled carcinogen
Abstract: The level of atmospheric oxygen, a driver of free radical damage and tumorigenesis, decreases sharply with rising elevation. To understand whether ambient oxygen plays a role in human carcinogenesis, we characterized age-adjusted cancer incidence (compiled by the National Cancer Institute from 2005 to 2009) across counties of the elevation-varying Western United States and compared trends displayed by respiratory cancer (lung) and non-respiratory cancers (breast, colorectal, and prostate). To adjust for important demographic and cancer-risk factors, 8–12 covariates were considered for each cancer. We produced regression models that captured known risks. Models demonstrated that elevation is strongly, negatively associated with lung cancer incidence (p < 10−16), but not with the incidence of non-respiratory cancers. For every 1,000 m rise in elevation, lung cancer incidence decreased by 7.23 99% CI [5.18–9.29] cases per 100,000 individuals, equivalent to 12.7% of the mean incidence, 56.8. As a predictor of lung cancer incidence, elevation was second only to smoking prevalence in terms of significance and effect size. Furthermore, no evidence of ecological fallacy or of confounding arising from evaluated factors was detected: the lung cancer association was robust to varying regression models, county stratification, and population subgrouping; additionally seven environmental correlates of elevation, such as exposure to sunlight and fine particulate matter, could not capture the association. Overall, our findings suggest the presence of an inhaled carcinogen inherently and inversely tied to elevation, offering epidemiological support for oxygen-driven tumorigenesis. Finally, highlighting the need to consider elevation in studies of lung cancer, we demonstrated that previously reported inverse lung cancer associations with radon and UVB became insignificant after accounting for elevation.
[1] Siegel R, Ma J, Zou Z, Jemal A (2014) Cancer statistics, 2014. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. DOI: 10.3322/caac.21208
[2] Weinberg CR, Brown KG, Hoel DG (1987) Altitude, radiation, and mortality from cancer and heart disease. Radiation Research. DOI: 10.2307/3577265
[3] Van Pelt WR (2003) Epidemiological associations among lung cancer, radon exposure and elevation above sea level. Health Physics. pubmed:13678279
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